
Mike Schinkel
Senior Engineer specializing in Go, OpenAPI, Kubernetes, AWS, and CI/CD


I am looking a long-term contract role working to enhance software products where my unique set of Go development, OpenAPI, Kubernetes AWS, and CI/CD skills and experience can have a big impact. And I will be really excited if the project I get to work on is open source.

Work Experience

NewClarity Consulting, LLC
January 2007 – Present
  • Specializing in Go development with Kubernetes and automating CI/CD build systems
  • 10+ clients over almost two decades
  • Developed and released numerous open-source software projects
  • Currently working on PrefsCTL for managing Apple user preferences
OpenAPI Initiative
January 2025 – Present
  • Participated on various committees to help improve OpenAPI specs.
  • Collaborated on providing benefits to members and to further OpenAPI awareness and adoption.
  • Committees include Outreach, Overlays, Arazzo (workflow), Moonwalk (OpenAPI next), and TDC
  • Accomplishments from my particiation are soon to be listed...
August 2024 – October 2024
Contract Go Software Engineer
  • Developed External DNS Provider in Go for Five9's internal proprietary DNS
  • Developed CLI for interacting with Five9's internal proprietary DNS
  • Developed tests for CLI and External DNS Provider
Technology Association of Georgia — Data Science SIG
November 2023 – March 2024
Database Engineer (Pro Bono)
  • Prepared TAG client's data to be analyzed by Data Science competition participants
  • Worked with TAG's client to understand their business and desired outcomes
  • Exported SaaS data from QuickBooks, Salesforce, event management solutions
  • Wrote Go program to convert QuickBooks reports to CSV formats
  • Imported and consolidated data into a single Sqlite database file
  • Cleansed and related data to allow for accurate analysis
  • Anonymized data, removing personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Coordinated with contestants to understand to DB to allow them to compete
August 2022 – April 2023
Contract Go Software Engineer
  • Implemented real-time debugging of Kubernetes Operator using Go's Delve debugger
  • Helped to maintain and evolve Kubernetes Operator for SingleStore
  • Developed solution to audit Go app for packages with incompatible licenses
  • Updated and streamlined build process for Kubernetes Operator
August 2021 – August 2022
Contract DevOps & Go Software Engineer
  • Worked on HTTP client & server in Go for CentOS-based gateway and Windows Server-based client for the collection of machine status and SQL Server perf metrics
  • Built Jenkins jobs using Bash and Groovy to create CentOS-based RPMs and Ubuntu-based ISOs and OVAs
  • Automated deployment to Frog Artifactory using vCenter vSphere CLI running on VMware VM
  • Created Windows Server 2019 VM w/Packer for dev & test of Go-based Windows agents running locally on macOS, and wrote Packer plugin in Go
  • Implemented automated build and evaluate process for VMware OVA running Ubuntu on VM in vCenter triggered locally or GitHub Actions on:push
  • Implemented process orchestration for product build process of Ubuntu ISO then OVA for use in VMware/vSphere/vCenter
  • Implemented upload to jFrog Artifactory and push to Amazon AWS S3 for ultimate download by customers managed via GitHub Actions
LinkedIn Learning
August 2021 – September 2021
Contract Skills Assessment Test Author
  • Worked with the team from LinkedIn Learning and two (2) other authors
  • Collaborated on the scope and outline for Go skills assessment test
  • Authored 50 Go skill-related questions
  • Coordinated with reviewers to make requested changes
Resideo Technologies for FrontSide
February 2021 – May 2021
Contract Go Software Engineer
  • Developed pattern for client to use for Go-based microservices
  • Developed CLI to support a Node JS-based Backstage developer portal implementation focusing on testability
  • Used the Echo web framework w/OpenAPI code gen for microservice scaffolding.
  • Implemented GitOps w/change management via Github Pull Requests to control jobs for a Jenkins build system
  • Developed Go-based MitM proxy as a test double for GitHub API
  • Integrated Node JS-based Mountebank for additional API testing
  • Diagnosed, remediated and submitted PR for Mountebank's no support of HTTPS CONNECT
  • Implemented pattern for BDD-based testing using Ginkgo and GoMega
  • Developed techniques to validate duplicated string literals throughout a test suite
– July 2022
Prior non-Go/Kubernetes/CI-CD related roles
  • Led development teams for clients
  • Developed solutions for clients in a variety of programming languages
  • Hosted various Meetups for both Entrepreneurs and software developers
  • Founded and grew a startup to #123 on Inc 500 within five years
  • Trained programmers professionally for several years
  • ASK if you need more details about these


The Linux Foundation — OpenAPI Initiative
January 2025 – Present
Participating in various working group to help improve and promote the use of OpenAPI
Active contributor to various open source projects, focusing on feature improvements and bug fixes
  • micromdm/plist — PR #46: Allow `*any` when using `UnmarshalPlist()` (accepted, 2025)
  • sqlc-dev/sqlc — PR #123: Avoid generating empty Go imports statement (merged, 2024)
  • vmware/govmomi — PR #2840: Fixed docs for govc library.info w/-json (merged, 2022)
  • Plus over 100 more, 60 of which have been merged
Davis Direction Foundation
November 2023 – March 2024
Prepared source data for distribution to TAG-for-Good Data Science Competition


  • PrefsCTL: CLI tool for managing macOS preferences in a YAML file like kubectl for Kubernetes manifests
  • go-sofafeed: Golang package for fetching and parsing the JSON format Simple Organized Feed for Apple Software Updates hosted at sofa.macadmins.io
  • README Merge: GitHub Action, Dockerfile, and CLI tool to allow merging child Markdown docs into one README.md
  • SSOT: Single Source Of Truth CLI utility — Like envsubst, but in-place and with .yaml
  • SaveTabs: Chrome extension paired with local HTTP server for save links along with their tab groups
  • Bash Macros: A simple script for your .bashrc to implement m1..m9 "macro" aliases
  • go-diffator: Diffator is a Go package to provide a difference string for comparing two Go values during testing.
  • go-testdata-defaulter: Set table-driven test data defaults so that tables in tests only need include data that differs from defaults.
  • go-typegen: Simple Golang generator package for test fixtures.


Atlanta, Georgia GA 30308 US



Go 8 of 10
Kubernetes development Goroutines & Channels Microservices CLI tools Testing aws-sdk-go docker oapi-codegen kin-openapi nethttp-middleware sqlc cobra yaml.v3
OpenAPI 7 of 10
OpenAPI Arazzo Overlay REST APIs Swagger YAML JSON Pointer Webhooks HTTP(S)
SQL 9 of 10
DB development 3rd-normal form Query parsing (in Go) sqlc for Go MySQL Sqlite
Kubernetes 7 of 10
Extension development (Go) Debugging External DNS kubectl K3s K3d
Virtual Machines 9 of 10
VMware VirtualBox Tart VM Parallels
VMware 7 of 10
ESXi esxcli Fusion Admin vSphere API Govc CLI PowerCLI Govmomi ovftool
Docker 8 of 10
Docker Compose Alpine Linux Portainer FROM..AS WORKDIR COPY ARG ENTRYPOINT
CI/CD 8 of 10
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Github Actions Custom Runners CircleCI Gitlab Pipelines Jenkins
Packer 8 of 10
Image building Writing Plugins (in Go) HashiCorp HCL ISO OVA/OVF VMware vSphere VirtualBox Linux Windows
Github Actions 7 of 10
.github/workflow Custom Runners Matrix builds Artifacts Secrets github.workflow github.ref push: pull_request: workflow_dispatch: concurrency: jobs: steps: uses: on:
Git 9 of 10
Github GitLab GitOps GitHub API
Linux 7 of 10
Server-related Bash scripting Debian Ubuntu Cent/OS Alpine visudo nmcli systemctl journalctl avahi suduers.d sshd_config.d
Shell Scripting 8 of 10
Bash Linux macOS
Amazon Web Services 6 of 10
IAM S3 Route 53
Make 7 of 10
Makefile Build processes Task automation .PHONY
jFrog Artifactory CLI 6 of 10
jf rt
Browser Extensions 7 of 10
Chrome Microsoft Edge Safari manifest.json Manifest v3
JavaScript 6 of 10
Alpine JS jQuery macOS JAX
macOS 9 of 10
terminal ITerm2 Bash defaults Javascript for Automation (JAX)
JetBrains IDEs 8 of 10
GoLand PHPStorm IntelliJ DataGrip
Windows 6 of 10
Powershell scripting ISO creation w/Packer Virtual machines Windows System Image Manager autounattend
Powershell 6 of 10
Pester testing Invoke-WebRequest Invoke-RestMethod Get-Content ConvertFrom-Json Set-Service Install-WindowsFeature New-LocalUser Add-LocalGroupMember $PSVersionTable $Password $Env